On The Move...
Well here we are again...
The USAF is moving us on what may be the final PCS of David's career... I sit here looking at my half empty, disheveled house and wonder what lies ahead for us. The move is very exciting yet bittersweet. While I am excited to be moving with our best friends (we were lucky enough to get orders to the same base they did), we'll be leaving behind very fond memories of this place and other good friends. Such is military life I suppose.
The movers are coming to start packing us up tomorrow and there is still much to be done today. We close on our new home at the end of October, which means we'll be living out of suitcases for three weeks. The kids think that is so exciting, whereas Dave and I know better. ;)
We are nervous and excited and anxious for what the future holds. But, we are also feeling altogether very blessed indeed...
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