Happy Anniversary To Us!

Well today is our 6th Anniversary... I sooo wish he were here
to celebrate. But it is only a matter of days before he comes
home. 23 to be exact. :) Yes I am counting!

My blogs have been shamefully sparse in here... I am sorry
about that... Life has just kinda taken over the last couple of

I have been doing very little scrapbooking, though I do have
some new layouts that you can see at:


Other than that, life has been pretty blah here. Fascinating,
I know... :)


Anonymous said...

My hope and prayers are that he comes home safe to you,and his kids,,Happy Anniversary to you guys..

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both - and those are beautiful scrapbook pages (I wish mine turned out that great).

Chris said...

Happy anniversary!

We are 11 years here and growing. My wife rocks!

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